While House Churches are typically for all ages and walks of life, many larger churches also have Life Groups.  These small groups are set up around age, interests, positions in life, etc.  Most Life Groups are for existing members of a larger church so that their members will make friends and be more connected to the church.  However, it is rarely considered an Evangelism tool to grow their churches.

Our vision for is to provide an easy to search website (based on activities and interests) to connect those outside the church with existing Life Groups or to encourage Christian individuals to CREATE a Life Group.

The user will be able to search by keywords or topics.  For example, if someone hearing about was interested in making friends who like to hunt, they would simply type the word “Hunting” and find all the hunting life groups near them.  They can also search by “Topic”, like Bible Studies or Christian Workbooks.  The person creating the Life Group will be able to upload pictures, videos, and interesting links on the subject of interest.

If you would like to be informed when LIFE GROUP FINDER is fully functional, simply fill out the short form below!